Coming Soon – The Whyte Python World Tour!

I have more publishing news to announce! WELCOME TO REDEMPTION is still slated to publish late winter/early spring of next year; but sometime after that, THE WHYTE PYTHON WORLD TOUR will follow it into bookstores to melt your faces! I’m so psyched to be working with Jason Kaufman at Doubleday on the Whyte Python World…

Coming Spring 2025 – WELCOME TO REDEMPTION

I’m thrilled to announce that William Morrow will publish my award-winning debut novel, WELCOME TO REDEMPTION, in Spring 2025! William Morrow – an imprint of HarperCollins – is one of the oldest and most revered publishers of quality fiction in the world. And it was my top choice out of all publishers, because it’s home…

Read a preview of “Game Four” for free at Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine

Update – the preview is no longer available for Game Four, as it was the featured story for the March-April edition Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine is featuring a significant preview of my new short story, “Game Four” on their website for free! If you want to see what happens, you can find the latest issue…

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